Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Stop: Go to God rather than Facebook: A reflection on Psalm 27

                Who are your enemies?  Where is there adversity in your life?  Who makes your blood boil? Who has betrayed you?  Whose actions fill your heart and mind with obsessive thoughts of how to respond or seek revenge?  I bet most of you have an image of someone or more. 
            Social media has been full of more hate filled vitriol in the last two weeks then I care to see.  A friend reminded me this morning that since the birth of Facebook we are apt to judge people solely based on their Facebook profile and news feed.  We do not take the time to sit down and have a conversation with someone before we make a judgement on whether they are friend or foe.  Enemy lines are quickly drawn between political parties, between left and right, conservative or liberal, and between and within denominations. 
            As I have driven around over the last two weeks I have been saddened by the eerie feeling I have that we, as a country, are regressing.  People are driving around with their war flag raised on their vehicles and on their porches.  Confederate flags, rainbow flags, American flags, they are proudly flying everywhere to alert the public to whose side you are fighting for.  I myself find myself easily judging the persons who are flying the “wrong” flag and I am ashamed that I am judging a person I don’t even know. 
            The Psalmist of Psalm 27 didn’t deal with his enemies by taking it up on Facebook.  He took it up with God.  First he recognized who God is to him.  “The Lord is my light and my salvation:  whom shall I fear?  The LORD is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid?”  (vs. 1)  He then acknowledges what he himself will do.  “I will seek.” (vs. 4)  “I will sing.” (vs. 6).  “I will seek your face O Lord.”  (vs. 8) The psalmist recognizes that no matter who betrays or forsakes him God will take care of him.  (vs. 10)  After a prayer of deliverance from his enemies, the psalmist concludes his psalm with some very wise advice.  He says:  “Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart.  Wait, I say, on the LORD!.”  (vs. 14)
            I challenge you the next time you are faced with adversity whether it is in your personal life or through something you read in social media that makes your blood boil, to be still, to Wait on the Lord and to take your cares to the Lord through the praying of Psalm 27.  Make this Psalm your prayer in those moments of adversity. 
            I further challenge you to practice this habit in regards to Facebook:  Before you comment on someone’s status or before you post a Facebook status to your own page about something divisive, STOP and pray before you comment.  Chances are you will change your mind about writing that post or comment. 

            I offer these words in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

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