Thursday, July 9, 2015

God: Friend of the Brokenhearted-A Reflection of Psalm 34

            This world is full of brokenhearted people.  At one point in time each of us will experience a broken heart.  We may experience it more than once.  We experience broken hearts when we experience the death of a loved one.  We experience broken hearts when our children take a path that we would not have them take.  We experience broken hearts when a relationship we thought would be forever falls apart.  We experience broken hearts when plans fail.  We experience broken hearts when we watch this world turn to violence and exploitation.  We all experience broken hearts.  The good news of Psalm 34 is found in verse 18:  “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, he saves those whose spirits are crushed.” 
            Psalm 34 is a great Psalm to go to and to pray in those times when your heart is broken and your spirit is crushed.  We are called to Bless and Praise the Lord in all times, even and maybe especially in times of heartache and suffering.  The Psalmist gives us hope by sharing his experience of seeking the Lord in the midst of his suffering and being delivered from his fears.  The Psalmist assures us in verse 10 that even the strongest experience brokenness but that those who seek God will be delivered. 
            Psalm 34 also gives instruction on how to honor God.  We honor God when we love life and relish the chance to enjoy Good things.  We honor God from “keeping our toungue from evil and our lips pure.”  It’s very tempting in times of broken heartedness to lash out with our words and our actions.  The Psalmist warns us that no good can come from that.  Rather than lashing out at those who may be the source of your broken heart, cry out to God.  God will deliver you from your troubles.  May you find comfort in this Psalm today.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

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