Monday, July 27, 2015

God, A place of safety-Psalm 48

                The words “God is in its fortifications, revealing himself as a place of safety” stand out for me, in Psalm 48.  In this Psalm the Psalmist is Praising God for God’s presence in the Holy City of Jerusalem.  In 2 Samuel 6 David brings the Ark of the Covenant from its place at Obed’s house to a tent he has set up as a tabernacle in Jerusalem.  The Ark of the Covenant contained the tablets given to Moses and was believed by the ancients to also contain the very presence of God.  Jerusalem was a well-fortified town and God’s presence there secures the fortification. 
                We now know that God is always present with us wherever we are and in whatever we are doing.  Like the Psalmist we can gave praise and thanks to God for God’s presence and thus God’s protection.  
                My devotional reminded me this morning that if we ask, we receive; if we seek we will find and if we knock the door will be opened.  Friends when you are tired, weak and worn you need to seek the safety provided in the presence of God.  We need to ask for that safety, we need to seek God through prayer and attention to the Word.  In this passage in Luke describing asking, seeking and knocking we are told that if we ask the Holy Spirit will be given for.  We don’t serve a God who is in the business of looking at our never ending shopping list but is more interested in our ability to receive the Holy Spirit as our guide to safety.  Seek God today. 

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