Friday, July 24, 2015

Shout to the LORD!-Psalm 47

            When I was in high school my best friend’s mom moved her family from our home church to a local Pentecostal church.   I began visiting that church with her from time to time and there was something different there that fed my soul.  These folks, unashamed, praised the Lord openly and extravagantly.  Hands clapped and raised toward heaven.  Drums played, cymbals clanged.  Joy filled the faces making them shine like the sun. 
            In the model prayer Jesus taught us the very first thing he does is Praise God with “hallowed be thy name.”  I’ve often wondered why it is so easy for us to cheer on our favorite sports team or sing out loud and strong with fists raised high at our favorite concert but we hold back those emotions when we come to worship. 
            Psalm 47 is an example of Praise for our God.  “Clap your hand, all you people!  Shout joyfully to God with a joyous Shout!  Because the Lord Most High is awesome, he is the great king of the whole world.” (vs. 1-2 CEB) 
            Reverence in God’s sanctuary is important and there is certainly a place for that. There is also a place for clapping and being joyful.  Make room for both.  Thanks be to God. 

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