Friday, July 31, 2015

Refuge in the Community of God-Psalm 52

                Psalm 52 again addresses the evil of the love of money.  Too often people in positions of wealth and power use that wealth and power to oppress the weaker.  The Psalmist here calls that evil.  He says that those boast of their wealth and power are boasting of evil.  He says that this evil leads people to be deceitful and to lie.  These things are not pleasing to God.  When we make other things our refuge rather than God, the path leads to destruction.  It is easy though to try to escape into other things as our refuge.  Money, material possessions, Facebook, video games, shopping, alcohol, drugs are among those things where we find ourselves seeking refuge.  Many of those things by themselves are not evil, in fact they can be used for good.  However, when we escape into them, seeking refuge in them, we have put ourselves on a path of destruction. 
                The Psalmist is clear that the righteous person finds their refuge in God.  When we need to escape from the troubles of this world, we need to find our refuge with God.  We can find that refuge in many forms.  We find in in the written word.  We find it in music.  We find it in prayer.  We find it in friends. 
                In the final verses the psalmist compares himself to “a green olive tree” in God’s house.  An olive tree is an evergreen.  Its leaves do not die and fall off.  It is green year round.  The psalmist is saying that he is a permanent fixture in God’s house.  It is in God’s house with his community of believers that he finds hope and refuge. 
                We live in an age where people have become mistrustful of the church and unfortunately that comes sometimes with good reason.  The church is made up of flawed human beings and like any family, it can become messy.  We have to continually work at making the church, God’s House, a place of safety and refuge.  We must be a community where people can come and find hope, love and a safe place to call home. 
                Where are you finding God in Community?  Search for that today.  Do not delay.  Find refuge there.    

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