Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wait Upon and Praise the Lord-Psalm 33

The model Prayer Jesus taught us starts with Praise:  “Our Father, Who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name.”  Psalm 33 gives us one example of Praise.  If you are looking for words of praise, here you can find them.  If you are looking for modes of Praise, here you can find them.  If you are looking for attributes of God, here you can find them. 
            We are called to Praise the Lord through songs and instruments and through shouts.  We are called to Praise God through our acts of right relationships and justice!. 
            God is faithful always.  Through the very ordering of creation God provides for our every need.  God watches over every single one of us and has a plan for us individually and collectively in the communities we serve.   We can make all the plans we want but in the end, if it’s not God’s plan-the plan we’ve made will surely fail. 
            We need to lean into God for our hope, our protection and our salvation.  The Psalmist ends with a prayer I pray for each of you today:  “Lord, let your faithful love surround us, because we Wait for the Lord. “  Remember friends They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!  Amen!  

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