Thursday, July 2, 2015

A reflection on Psalm 28

            The Psalmist in Psalm 28 once again cries out to God for help with those he considers his enemies.  Nothing particular jumps out to me about this Psalm today.  When we make scripture reading part of our everyday lives, there will be days that nothing particular speaks volumes into your heart.  Then there will come a day that the very thing you read a week ago will suddenly speak volumes to you in the moment.
            The important thing about this Psalm for me today is the understanding that our prayers may very well be the same with a bit of a different variation every day.  That is okay.  The important thing is that we recognize that it is God that we go to with our troubled hearts.  It is God that we put our trust in.  It is God who we hand over our lives to and allow to hold in his loving and faithful arms.  People will fail us.  God never will. 
            The Psalmist recognizes that it is to God he should cry.  The Psalmist also feels like there are times that God feels silent to him.  Yet even in those moments that he feels God is silent, it is God that he turns to and asks not to be silent.  The Lord does hear our prayers even when we don’t feel like it.  The Lord is our strength!  In that and that alone we can trust. 

            In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!  AMEN!  

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