Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Let Go of Anger and Rage-Confess your own sins-A Reflection of Psalms 37-38

                Thanks be to God my computer is fixed, upgraded and better than before.  Because I missed yesterday’s reflection, I will be reflecting both on Psalm 37 and 38.  There is quite a contrast between these two Psalms.  Psalm 37 is a series of proverbs contrasting righteousness with wickedness.  Psalm 38 is a psalm of confession.  Enjoy:

                Every day as I scroll through my Facebook feed it almost never fails that I see more than one post that goes something like this:  “you think you know who your friends are” or “I have been betrayed.”  Life has its moments of joy and it has its moments of pure heartache.  It is so easy when we are in those moments of heartache to look to those who are causing the heartache and wonder why they are not hurting like you are hurting.  It is easy to let your heart fill with rage.  It is easy to keep your stomach tied up in knots, your breath shallow, and your chest feeling like an elephant is sitting on it.  Psalm 37:8 tells us to “Let go of anger and leave rage behind!  Don’t get upset-it will only lead to evil.”  (CEB)  The Psalmist says not to let your mind be consumed with the evil and betrayals that have been done to you.  Evil and wrongdoing tends to self-destruct.  It is not our job to see to the destruction.  Rather our job is to find refuge in God.  The Psalmist lists many ways to turn our attention and focus to the One who gives us shelter in the storms. 
                Trust the Lord.  Farm Faithfulness. Enjoy the Lord.  Commit your way to the Lord!  Trust him!  Be still before God and wait for God.  Be generous and giving.  Turn away from evil!  Do Good!  Recite wisdom!  Discuss Justice.  Keep the instruction of God in your hearts.  Hope in the Lord and keep the Lord’s ways.  Observe those who have integrity.  Watch those whose heart is right. 
                What is the result of turning away from the evil and betrayals that are consuming your thoughts and your heart and turning toward the God who gives you shelter?  God will give us what the heart asks.  God will act.  God will give you a surplus of peace.  God will support us.  The Lord will make our steps secure.  The Lord holds our hand.  The Lord will never leave us alone.  The Lord will guard us forever.  The Lord will lift us up.  The Lord is our refuge in times of trouble.  The Lord will rescue us from the betrayals.  My favorite of all is this:  “The Lord is intimately acquainted with the lives of the blameless; their heritage will last forever.”  (vs. 18, CEB)
                A friend reminded me this morning that at the moments that we are letting our tears flow, we like the woman who washed Jesus’s feet with her tears, are the closest to God.  When we are in that kind of pain, as the psalmist says “The Lord is intimately acquainted with us.”  What a beautiful vision.   Go to the feet of Jesus with our pain today.  He will give you refuge.  He will give you peace. 

Psalm 38:
                Lest we get caught up in thinking that we are immune to doing evil ourselves, the Psalmist of Psalm 38 reminds us that we are certainly not.  Just as we take our heartaches to God we must also recognize our own bent to sinning and evil.  Psalm 37 reminds us that when we hold onto anger and rage that evil actions are sure to follow and in those times we must confess and ask for God’s help in those times as well.  Psalm 38 helps us know what a prayer of confession might look like.  The psalmist reminds us that when we give into a life of sin it affects every part of us.  The psalmist describes his body literally falling apart.  His stomach is staying in knots.  His loved ones have distanced themselves from him.  It gets to the point that even though we know that we are doing wrong we become immune to those inner bells and whistles that alert us to the danger that we are leading ourselves toward.  He describes it as becoming deaf and mute.  Paralyzed in our wrongdoing that we seem to be unable to do the right actions to make it better.  The Psalmist admits these things before God.  It is so important for us to stay close to God even in those moments when we are deeply mired in wrong doing.  God is there.  Wait for the answer.  God is close to you and will give you the strength to overcome!       

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