Saturday, July 18, 2015

Longing for God-Psalm 42

                Have you ever been so thirsty that you thought your mouth was just going to stick together from the dryness and your throat was going to close up?  Water is essential for life.  The Psalmist of Psalm 42 recognizes that God’s presence is essential for life.  He writes in the opening verses:  “Just like a deer that craves streams of water, my whole being craves you, God.”  Have you ever recognized that kind of longing for God?  I believe that kind of longing comes when we are having a hard time feeling God’s presence in the midst of our suffering.  Like Job’s friends questioned Job, we might hear others ask us “Where is your God now?” 
                The Psalmist then does something very important.  He remembers other times that God showed up.  I believe we can each look back on our lives and see the broken places where God showed up and took those broken pieces and knitted them into something more beautiful than we could ever imagine.  When we are in those times of brokenness, it is important for us to remember.  It is also important for us to re-member. 
                One of the psalmist’s memories is of God’s presence in the worshiping community.  Verse 4 has him remembering his time in the house of God, among a community of believers and he knows it is important to be in the midst of a worshiping community, even if you don’t feel very much like worshiping.  He reminds himself and us that our hope is found in God.  He recognizes that this period of suffering and brokenness will pass and he will again be giving thanks to God for God’s presence in the midst of the suffering.  God is our Solid rock.  Next time you are experiencing brokenness in your life hold onto this.  Like a deer panting for water, seek out God for he is your source of water.  The water of your baptism gives you hope.  Stay in your community of worshiping believers or if you don’t have one find one.  Find a place where your soul can be nurtured and nourished.  In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

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