Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Royal Wedding-God is in the everyday stuff-Psalm 45

                The Bible addresses life in all its forms.  Psalm 45 is an example of that.  Psalm 45 is a song that was written describing a royal wedding.  The King, in this instance, follows God.  He is praised by the Psalmist for doing so.  Following this description of a good King are instructions to his bride.  There are warnings for her not to give into those who will use riches and such things to lure her off the path of faithfulness to the King, to her husband.  This warning is followed by a description of the bridal procession.  It reads much like a description of a Bridal procession today.  The bride is led to the King by her attendants who are dressed in robes of many colors.    There is then a blessing said over their union that they will have offspring who will continue to be righteous followers of God. 
                We can see the patriarchal society that this was written in as the bride is advised to leave her own people and her kinfolk to become a part of the husband’s family.  I believe when we make the decision to enter the covenant we are equally called to leave some things behind.  We are not called to abandon those things but our focus shifts from our family of origin to the nuclear family that is being created through the covenant we speak before God and our family and friends.  The bride and groom mutually become each other’s primary concern. 
                Do not be mistaken in thinking that any marriage is immune to the lure of others away from your primary priority.  Those riches may come in many forms.  Look out for them and do not be lured away from the covenant you have made. 
                The final piece in this psalm addresses the offspring of this covenant.  We must always make sure our children know God and we must dedicate our lives to assuring that they too will be in relationship with God throughout their lives and that this will pass on from generation to generation. 

                This psalm, for me, was not particularly profound.  But, to find that it did make it into Holy Scripture underscores that God is in the business of everyday living.  Is God part of your everyday living?  Is God part of all you do?  

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