Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hope in God-Psalm 39

            The Psalmist of Psalm 39 finds himself contemplating the shortness of life and seems to be in a situation of feeling sorry for himself and his circumstances.  He thinks if he is silent about his bleak circumstances, perhaps things will get better.  However, no matter how hard he tries to do what is right, his circumstances do not change.  They are still bleak and he wonders why he even bothers doing the right thing.  He recognizes the sin of his life and he wonders if his bleak circumstances are a punishment of God.  He uses the image of God punching him with his fist. 
            How many times has that image of God been given to us?  Sometimes we tend to view God as this unseen force beyond the sky, bow and arrow in hand, waiting for us to mess up so he can send an arrow flying down from the heavens to knock us off our feet.  I tend to think that the troubles and heartaches we face are merely natural consequences of sin.  Sometimes it’s natural consequences of our own individual sin, sometimes it is the sins of the community and sometimes it is global sin. 
            God is not the author of sickness, disease, violence, tragedies.  No, the psalmist knows in his heart of hearts that it is God who gives us hope in the midst of all these things.  I remember back in the early nineties my father was teaching a Sunday School lesson.  He brought up the question of Why.  Why me God?  Why did this have to happen to me?  My father’s answer was simple, Why not me?  What makes me any less deserving of tragedy and heartache then the person sitting next to me.  None of us are immune.  We have that in common.  The greater thing we have in common though is hope.  The psalmist says “My hope is set in you.”  (vs. 7b)  What should we be waiting for?  We should be waiting for God because that is where our hope is set! Thanks be to God. 

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