Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Person in the Mirror-Psalm 26

                The Psalmist in Psalm 26 is asking for the Lord’s vindication.  He has enemies surrounding him and he doesn’t understand why, when he is one who has integrity and follows God’s laws, he has not yet been vindicated.  He seeks God and asks for this vindication.  He basically says look at me God, I love you, I walk in your ways, I don’t associate with those idol worshipers.  I don’t hang out with hypocrites.  I hated those who do evil and I don’t hang out with wicked people.  I am innocent. 
                I, like the Psalmist in Psalm 26, went through a period of time when I felt this way.  I was self-righteous and judgmental.  I felt like I did everything right by not committing any of the sins others my age were getting into.  I didn’t party, smoke, drink, do drugs nor did I associate with those who did.  I spoke truth.  I witnessed to people.  I was in church every time the doors were opened.  I felt deserving of God’s grace and love.  I did all the right things.
                What I realized over the years though is that attitude itself was sinful.  Withholding my love and presence in the lives of people who were not like me or didn’t think like me was withholding God’s love and presence from them.  Very recently I have learned that it’s best to put a mirror in front of my own heart and soul rather than pointing toward the sins of others.  I do not need God’s vindication.  I need God’s love and grace poured into the imperfections of my humanity.  I need to focus on me and not on what others around me are doing or not doing. 
                The news and social media have been full of people’s judgments in the last week from both sides of the debates that are before us.  I admit the temptation to weigh in on the debates are very real for me.  Instead though I have put my focus on me and the areas of my life I can improve.

                The Psalmist concludes in verse 11 that he is in need of redemption.  We are all in need of redemption.  If we each put a mirror in front of us and focus on those areas in our own lives that need grace and love poured into them; the world will be better for it.  Thanks be to God.  

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