Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What do a quarrelsome Gossip and Kindling have in common?

            My mother and I used to drive my father crazy with our constant battering back and forth. We were both of a quarrelsome nature and neither of us would back down from a good debate.  My grandmother was the world’s best gossiper.  She loved to watch people and if she didn’t know the story of what was playing out in front of her, well she would just create one.  She and Mom kept each other appraised of the latest news in their circles.  Getting in people’s business got her in trouble one time when she was called to testify in court about something she witnessed by spying on the neighbors from her window.  I remember these things as humorous but at the same time the wisdom of proverbs tells us that gossip and quarreling are great kindle for a spreading fire. 
Without wood a fire goes out; without gossips, conflict calms down.  Like adding charcoal to embers or wood to fire, quarrelsome people kindle strife. Like choice snacks: they go down to the inmost parts.  (Proverbs 26:20-22)

            There it is conflict management 101 straight from scripture:  Don’t gossip and don’t be quarrelsome.  Next time you are involved in a conflict, remember these verses and be a voice of peace.  

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