Friday, March 7, 2014

Welcoming the Interruptions

When the apostles returned, they reported to Jesus what they had done. Then he took them with him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida, 11 but the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing.  Luke 9:10-11

The disciples have just returned from their first solo mission.  They must be full of excitement and anxious to see Jesus and tell him of all they have encountered.  As I read this I am reminded of times in my career when I have had an exciting day at work.  Perhaps I had a major breakthrough with a family I'm working with.  Perhaps I've come across something very disturbing that I didn't quite know how to handle.  I immediately would want my supervisor's attention.  I yearned to tell my stories.  This must have been how the disciples felt.  Jesus recognizes their need and takes them off by themselves to retreat and debrief.  They were interrupted however.  The crowds learned where they were and demanded attention.  In that situation I would want my boss to protect our time together, to tell the crowds they must wait their turn.  I would be angry about the interruption.  I would be angry with the crowd.  I would be angry with my boss.  What did Jesus do?  He WELCOMED them!  He Spoke to them about the kingdom of God.  He healed those who needed healing.  Who is your life today?  Who needs to hear the good news of the kingdom?  Who needs to hear some words of healing?  We are on a journey to Jerusalem with our Savior.  Let's follow his example.  Let's welcome interruptions into our daily lives.  Let's share the good news.  Let's be the healing hands and feet of Jesus. 

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