Wednesday, March 19, 2014

God, Neighbor and Self

Luke 10:25-32

Focal Passage:  Luke 10:26-28
    He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all yourheart and with all your soul and with all yourstrength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love yourneighbor as yourself."

Today's Lenten Refelction completes the 10th chapter of Luke.  The disciples and others continue to follow Jesus on the journey to Jerusalem and we walk with them.  Jesus continues to instruct the disciples in hopes that they will soon "get it."  Both of the stories are well known stories of the Bible. In the story of the Good Samaritan Jesus defines who are neighbor is.  In the story that follows Jesus lets the disciples know through his interactions with Mary and Martha, that the busyness of life should not interrupt the more important things of life, such as spending time with and listening to the teachings of Jesus.  As Bishop Ken Carter pointed out this week in a reflection he posted on these passages, Luke designed these stories to be read together.  There is a lesson to be taught in looking at them as a whole story.  I posted Ken's reflection on my facebook page for you to review.  The Bishop points out that it is through spending time with Jesus and learning his teachings we are then equipped for showing compassion to our neighbors.  Jesus defines neighbor as anyone who comes across out daily path with a need.  

As I consider this I am again reminded of something I heard Dallas Willard say in a broadcast I am currently listening to.  He said that no ones obituary ever reads __________ had a wonderful car, was a great housekeeper, had pretty teeth, and so on.  No people are not remembered by the busyness of their lives, they are remembered by their kindness, by their compassion.  

The other thing I want to point out about our focal verses for today is that we are to love neighbor as self.  My 4th grade Sunday School teacher, Marietta Crayton, pointed out to me that this verse tells us that it is important that we love ourselves.  It is important for us to see ourselves as the creatures God created in God's own image.  I am 45 years old, some 37 years past the 4th grade and I have never forgotten that lesson.  It left an imprint on my heart.  It was a simple yet profound message as she had us peer into a box to see something that Jesus loved.  In that box was a mirror reflecting my own image.  God loves me.  

Take time out tonight to sit at the feet of Jesus just as Mary did.  Soak up the love and learn to love yourself as Jesus loves you.  Then take that heart full of love and let it spill out onto those who cross your path in need, for those are your neighbors.  

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