Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Luke 9:28-36

Today our Journey takes us to a place where Jesus is praying with Peter James and John.  Peter, James and John had fallen asleep, as they often do when they are praying.  While they were sleeping an unbelievable thing occurs.  Jesus' appearance changes.  The story depicts him being radiated by bright light and suddenly Moses and Elijah, forefathers of the faith who have been long departed from this earth, appear with him.  It's as if they are having a heavenly meeting of the minds as they talked about "his departure" soon to be fulfilled.  Peter, James and John awaken to see this sight.  Can you imagine.  They must have thought they were still asleep and dreaming.  I can imagine them rubbing the sleep from their eyes, pinching themselves to see if they were awake, or even alive.  It was in this moment that they fully understood and knew who Jesus was.  There was no doubt.  A cloud covered them and they were afraid and a voice came from the cloud:  "This is my son, listen to him."  Then Moses and Elijah were gone as quickly as they came.  This portion of the story ends with Peter, James and John not telling anyone about this "at this time."

What it must have been like to meet God in such an intimate and personal way.  I'm reminded of Moses' encounter with God in the burning bush.  There are moments we too are standing on Holy Ground.  For me there are two times in life that I know without a doubt I am standing on Holy ground.  One is when I have witnessed the birth of a child.  The other is when I have sat by the bedside of a dying person.  Those are moments when any doubts I might have about the existence of the divine are completely washed away and I am in Awe.  "I Stand Amazed in the Presence."

I'm also reminded of my own "words from God" when I read this story.  A direct, clear, voice of God message has only happened once in my lifetime.  Once is enough.  I shall never forget it and it will always be a part of my story.  It was when I woke up in the middle of the night with the words Revelation 2:3 in my mind.  It was quite bizarre as I had not recently read revelation, I had never committed that verse to memory.  Why am I waking up in the middle of the night with that reference on my mind.  Here is what it said:  "Wake up!  Strengthen what remains and is about to die for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God."  (NIV) This night began my journey back to answering the call into ministry that I had first answered at the age of 13.  There have been many other ways that I have encountered God in my life.  I encounter God in scripture, in song, in other people but this was the most direct encounter I have had and it was awesome, scary, and amazing.

What about you.  In what ways have you encountered God in your life?  In what ways has God revealed God's self to you.  When do you feel as though you are standing on Holy Ground?

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