Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Bible: A Living Word for All Time

Picture taken from google images
The Bible is a living document, which is one of the beauties of it.  I may read a passage one day and receive no inspiration from it and a year down the road in different circumstances that very same passage may be exactly what I need to hear.  That is one of the reasons it is so important to make a discipline and habit out of being in the scriptures daily.  You never know when what you are reading is exactly what you need to hear.  Some days it may seem like just an exercise or routine and the very next day it is what breathes life into the depths of your dying and thirsty soul. 
            I am reminded of this very thing this morning as I read Psalm 14 and Proverbs 14.  I’ve read them twice now and nothing jumps out at me to share with you today.  The very words of those chapters may be exactly what someone else needs to hear today. 
            The one thing that resonates throughout the psalms is God’s care for the oppressed.  Psalm 14 is no different.  The psalmist talks about people who devour other people.  It is assumed that the psalmist is talking about the poor.  “Highlighting the plight of the poor and alleviating their suffering were primary aspects of (John) Wesley’s understanding of Christian mission.”[1] The psalmist points out that regardless of what the evildoers and unbelievers do in regards to the poor that God will always be a refuge to the oppressed.  How are we as a church modeling God’s love to the oppressed?  How are we providing refuge to those who are exploited?  Pray today that God may open our eyes and hearts to know what next steps we can take to be a refuge and strength to the oppressed in our community. 

[1] Green, Joel, ed, The Wesley Study Bible, Common English Bible (Nashville, Abingdon Press, 2012), pg. 693

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