Friday, May 8, 2015

Psalm 6-A prayer from one who has suffered long.

Psalm 6 is a prayer of one who is suffering illness.  Notice that the Psalmist does not try to paint a pretty picture with his prayer.  He is honest in his cries out to God.  He feels that God is punishing him.  He cries out "How long will this last?"  He is "worn out from groaning."  How comforting it is to know through the examples of the Psalms that we can cry out to God in very real ways. 

The Wesley Study Bible has this to say about comfort in illness. 

Illness may seem like a betrayal, serious illness can seem like abandonment.  Being diagnosed with a serious illness is frightening and disorienting.  The future becomes uncertain; and your hopes and dreams are dashed while tears and grief aboutnd.  At the heart of seeking comfort in the midst of illness is the practice of prayer.  In prayer, we are able to share with God our laments and pains, our feelings of betrayal and abandonment.  In faith, we know that God has heard those prayers and we know that God is working for our healing and for comfort. (The Wesley Study Bible, pg. 687)
How great it is to know that those who have gone before us have given us such an example of prayer.  In these examples we know that we do not have to have fancy or right words.  God only desires that we approach with our true hearts, nothing hidden!  Thanks be to God! 

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