Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009

I have not been absent from the word in the previous days but absent from the computer. The Psalms continue up until 8 with David seeking God's protection from Enemies. Then in verse 8 there is song of praise for God's majesty, creation, for the fact that humanity is under God's watchful eye of protection. David acknowledges his own unworthiness throught the question of "Who am I that He is mindful of me?" Isn't it wonderful that our God is mindful of all of creation in spite of our downfalls, betrayals and weaknesses.

Proverbs continue to call the reader to seek out wisdom and understanding.....5-7 are strong warnings against participating in prostitution or in adultry of any kind. The y0ung man is warned not to give into his lusts and passions and is warned to stay away from the temptation of women who would lure him away from his wife. The writer warns the path leading to that woman is the same path that will lead to ones demise. I wonder what other paths lead us away from the family that God has given us.

Proverbs 8 continues to call for a search of wisdom and understanding. Pride and Arrogance are the sins that are called out in this chapter.

I have maintained my readings this week but not my bloggings. I have been enjoying time with my son and anticiapte the time when he can rejoin our family on a full time basis. I am tired and weary but happy none the less....

The previous days have also been an undercurrent of sadness and sorrow in the midst of the beauty of the season. News of death has continued and it saddens me.

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