Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December 23, 2009

I like December 23. It brings back memories of a childhood that I thought was complicated at times but that really was quite simple. It was December 23, 1983. The Boys (aka the love interests of me and my best friend) were coming over to her house and we were having our Christmas get together. The excitement that night brought is like none other I have experienced as they walked in the door with gifts in hand. We had bought them each a Great Big Hershey's Kiss. We openend the gifts in excited anticipation. They had bought us Charlie perfume but you would have thought that they had wrapped the keys to the kingdom in those small boxes of perfume. Gifts of perfume had to mean that the love interest was two ways. We must have embarassed ourselves, hugging each other in glee all the while squealing and running into her mom's bedroom to tell her if this treasure we have found. No just the treasure of the perfume but more importanty the treasue of a girls first love........Ahhhh memories.

So, today I sit in the comfort of my own home, my son entering those same years of first loves, broken hearts and I am all grown up. Yet life is not complete as I continue to seek God's direction and will. Psalm 2 reminds me this morning that there are obstacles in my way but that God is in charge and that the opposition will not be permanent because what God has ordained and willed will happen. Proverbs 2 reminds me that I must stay on the journey, that I must not slip into dark paths, and that I must coninuely remain in the word and God's wisdom will fill me.

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