Saturday, June 21, 2014

Keep the Fire Burning: A Farewell Sermon for Long's United Methodist Church

            This sermon is going to be different from any sermon I’ve preached for you.  Really, it’s going to be different than any sermon I’ve ever preached for anyone.  ‘I have preached sermons for the last time in a few places, as a lay speaker.  Actually many times the first sermon was also the last.  I have never knowingly preached a farewell sermon.  I don’t know how to do that.  When I don’t know how to do something I look to see how such things may be presented in the Bible.  Well either that or I google it.  Google did well for me in teaching me how to keep a campfire lit, how to set up my tent, how to quickly set up and tear down an EZ up….but it wasn’t very much help with this task so I turned to the Bible for help with this one, thus the two scriptures I picked out this morning:  Moses’ farewell to Israel and Jesus’ farewell prayer for his followers.  I do not claim to be anywhere close to the holiness of either of these men-but they do know how to give a good farewell, so I am borrowing from them to bid you farewell. 

            I begin with Jesus.  “The time has come.”  Of course Jesus is saying the time has come for him to leave this World.  God willing, that is not the case for me.  The time, for me, has come has come as a united to Methodist Minister, to itinerate to the next place the Bishop has discerned could benefit from my gifts and graces.  When the Bishop calls I must get on my horse or in this day in my KIA, and go.  I am looking forward to this, to being able to proclaim the good news of God’s love to another community, and to do so every week.  However, I am keenly aware that looking forward is only possible because of the trust and faith you placed in me.

            I walked into this church for the first time about 5 or 6 years ago.  I remember Mabel being here and Opal Lee.  Jim and Marilyn were the first people I met.  I remember Marilyn asking me if I wanted my check made out to the Gideons.  She thought I was speaking for the Gideons.  Unfortunately I’m afraid I don’t meet the eligibility requirements to be a Gideon.  I googled it, just to make sure.  Nope, I don’t have the right plumbing.  Then I met Charlie who let me know he couldn’t do two things at once so I would need to lead the whole service.  So, it was here, in this pulpit that I led me first full service.  Here is what I remember most about that first visit.  Friends of mine visited here that morning and as I was teaching Sunday School back at Long’s Chapel, my friend brought up how much her children enjoyed the service.  Believe it or not their enjoyment had NOTHING to do with the wonderful sermon I preached, or the way I led the congregation in Worship or the beautiful benediction I gave.  No, their enjoyment had to do with lollipops, lollipops given by Ms. Jane and hugs given by many of you in the congregation.  It had to do with having that intergenerational contact and relationship.  That kind of thing can get lost in large churches when it’s very easy for age groups to get Siloed and for a child to never meet a person over the age of 50 much less have a relationship with them.  So guess what?  My friend began intentionally seeking intergenerational opportunities not just for her kids but for all Long’s Chapel Families.  Do you see what I’m telling you Long’s?  The Love of God that you shared on one particular Sunday morning, through the giving of lollipops and a few hugs as you shared the peace of Christ sparked an entire ministry in another church a few miles down the road.  Who knows how many lives have been touched and transformed by that! You AMAZE ME!!!!!

            Not only do you amaze and inspire me but you have equipped me and empowered me.  Jesus says of his disciples in verses 6-8: 


“I have revealed your name to the people you gave me from this world. They were yours and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. This is because I gave them the words that you gave me, and they received them. They truly understood that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.[1]


            I say the same of you.  You believed that I have been gifted and sent by God.  It is because of that trust that I am a certified candidate for ministry.  It is because of that trust that I continue to be a licensed local pastor.  It is because of that truth that I am enabled to make my life’s work the proclaiming of the Good News of God’s love to those persons who have felt rejected, ostracized and orphaned by the church.  Imagine the number of lives that may be transformed by yet again one simple act made by this congregation. 

            It is because of these things, and out of my deep love for you that I will continue to pray for you every day, just as Jesus prayed for his followers:  “Watch over them in God’s name.”  (vs. 9) “Keep them safe from evil, (vs. 15) and “Make them Holy in truth, your word is truth.” (vs. 17)

            Not only will I pray for you as Jesus did his followers but I will also pray as Jesus did “for those who will believe because of you.”  My friends if you remember nothing else about me or what I teach and preach I pray that you remember “
Thy Kingdom Com on Earth as it is in heaven.”  We are not to wait for death to experience God’s Kingdom-the reign of God’s love.  We can and do experience it right here and right now.  The Christian life is meant to be lived in community and I’m not talking about the people inside the walls of this church building.  I am talking about what happens when we leave the four walls of this building and carry what we experience in here-out there.  I wrote this sermon sitting beside a camp fire.  (For those of you who follow me on face book you’ve been waiting to see where the fire was going to come in…well here it is.)  I was able to keep that fire going for over 5 hours.  Here are some things I noticed.  First:  To keep the fire going I had to add new logs.  When I first began preaching as a lay speaker here I would inevitably overhear conversations from the Sunday school room or from the front steps that went something like this:  “What are we going to do about our little church?”  “Do you think they will let us stay open?”  “I’m afraid they are going to shut our doors.”  I heard it almost every time.  But, you know what?  I haven’t heard those conversations in the last couple of years.  You’ve added some logs.  How did you add those logs?  David and I came because we had experienced your love and you were a mile from our house. Sandy, Marie and the kids came because it was an intimate church, close to home and Sandy had visited once before and enjoyed the love she felt in this place.  Chris and Natasha came because they had a relationship with Charlie and when they were struggling and looking for God, looking for hope in what seemed hopeless times- they came here, and they stayed, until they moved, because you showed them love.  Delcie and Hayley are here, well because Charlie fell in Love.  All kidding aside though, I imagine she stays because of the relationships that have been extended to her in this place.  Mary and Molly came because they knew Sandy and Marie.  Sandy and Marie had spread the good news of what happens in this place.  What is it that happens in this place?  Relationships happen, love happens, community happens.  That is how you add logs.  Keep doing it! 

            The second thing I noticed about the fire is that sometimes I would think the fire was over, it was about to burn out.  There were just a few embers left.  Then I would see a whole new flame strike out.  This would happen when a piece of log that had strayed away from the fire or that the fire had strayed away from would be touched by an ember from a nearby log and would catch on fire all over again.  It has done my heart good to experience Louise in this space over the last several weeks.  I only met Louise at Easter time.  Oh how I enjoyed by visit with her. A few weeks later she was back among us.  Why?  She was back among us because she was touch by the ember of another log when Marilyn called her and as they talked Louise shared her longing to be back in church.  Marilyn offered to pick her up, and here she is back among us.  You must encourage each other to keep the fire going.  You must take note when people stray away.  Find out what is keeping them at home.  There might just be something you can do to remove that obstacle. 

            So I pray.  I pray for all those people yet to come but who will come because you’ve built relationships, you’ve shared the good news and you’ve removed obstacles that prevent people from coming.  I pray that people will be added and as they are you all are one just as Christ is one with God. 

            Finally, Jesus says I wish you could go with me.  Jesus did not want to leave his disciples behind.  I wish I could take every one of you, Rennie too, with me.  I wish you could see and experience the fruits of your investment.  I can’t take you with me though.  There is work to be done right here and you are the laborers for that work!

            Before Moses left Israel he gave a long speech in which he gave a blessing to each tribe of Israel.  I considered doing that this morning with each household represented here.  But time is an obstacle for that-so instead be watching the mail in the next couple of weeks for your blessing.  In the meantime let me just say may God Bless you and Keep you.  May your fires continue to burn bright as you work in this community to bring God’s Kingdom to earth.  I Love you all.  In the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

[1] Common English Bible Accessed at June 21, 2014

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