Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

It has been quite sometime since I have written here. It has been equally as long since I have been daily in the Word. I'm ashamed to say that as I picked up the Bible yesterday that sits by my place on the couch where I do my daily devotions; I literally had to wipe the dust off of it.

It has been a trying couple of months as my brothers mother in law got diagnosed with cancer, she needed the assurance that her mother would be cared for while she went to get her treatments. Within the same time frame my little brother got a job offer in Charleston SC and began preparations to move away. We have also been working toward transitioning David home, which is exciting and stressful all the same. None the less none of that is excuse and actually should have proven reason for daily meditation.

I'm sparred back this week following two lengthy facebook discussions/debates regarding our border Patrol. The discussion turned from politics to religion. One thing I discovered during the discourse was that realization that I have pretty much been an Ostrich when it comes to political matters. I bury my head in the sand and remain ignorant. I realized this week that I need to unbury my head and educate myself on the world in which I live. I can not respond with Christian values/principals without fully knowing the complete picture of what is going on in the world, or what has historically gone on in the world. So this week I beome also a student of history, civics, and current events.

So thus the journey begins of melding those studies with the studies of the Bible in hopes of continuing to discover Kingdom Values and Principals to live by.

I continue my reading of the Psalms and my reading of Isaiah. Nothing earthshattering has been revealed to me toay but Im sure those earthshattering moments of clarity will come.

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