Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Advent Ponderings 2: Zechariah: Blameless yet still Questioning-Given the gift of silence

                As I continue to look at the story of Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, I am struck that he is described by the author of Luke as being a priest and a righteous man in the sight of God.  It is said that both he and Elizabeth “observe the commands and decrees of God, blamelessly.  Yet, it was this man who questioned God.  I think Luke was very clear about Zechariah’s faith so that we might know that yes, people of great faith, people who are even described as blameless, have questions for God and that is okay.  Zechariah asks the Angel “how do I know?”  Zechariah, the priest.  Zechariah, the one who has been chosen to father the one who would make sure people are prepared to receive the LORD.  Zechariah, the one who follows all of God’s decrees perfectly.  Zechariah questioned…How do I know? 

                Many people look upon what happens next as a punishment.  I am wondering if it were not a gift.  The Angel tells Zechariah this:   “And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.”(Luke 1:20)  I wonder if God wasn’t given Zechariah the gift of silence so he could hear the directions of the LORD.

                God has given me very clear directions over the last couple of months to be still and to wait.  It is hard to be still and wait and to HEAR over our own voice.  Sometimes to hear God’s voice we must practice being quiet.  Centering/Contemplative Prayer has been one way Christians throughout the ages have found their way to a position of being able to listen for God’s voice.   I have provided a link to a website that has much information on contemplative prayer. Click here to be directed to that website.  This is one tool that I plan to begin using in my own spiritual journey of learning to be still, and wait.    

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