Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Be still and let God fight-A reflection on Psalm 54

In 2 Samuel 23 we are told the story of David, hiding among the Ziphites, fearing for his life.  His best friend, the King’s son, comes to him and gives him reassurances that he will become King that his father will not succeed in having him killed.  Things look bleak for David though when the Ziphites go to King Saul and tell him that they know where David is.  Saul sets a plan into motion to capture and kill David.  David though has complete faith in God for the plan that God has in store.  Psalm 54 is David’s act of praise and confidence in God that God is present even in this bleakest of moments.  I wonder what bleak moments you are facing today?  Be assured, like David, that God is present.  Always trust in God’s plan for your life.  Sometimes it is hard to see God’s plan.  Sometimes you feel like you just might die before God’s plan is ever realized.  The Bible shows us over and over again though that God is the victory.  I was reminded by a friend last week that God will fight for us in our troubles, against our enemies.  We don’t have to do the fighting.  We are called to be still and Let God.  It is so tempting to take the control back from God and devise our own plans.  Be sure my friends that when we do that, disaster is sure to follow.  Our plans are never as good as what God has planned for us.  Thanks Be to God. 

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